This is not an "official version" of the document and is subject to change without notice. The official document can be obtained in the disclosure package via written request to the Eagle Landing Homeowners Association (ELHOA) Board at P.O. Box 506, Lancaster, Virginia 22503, along with a check made out to "ELHOA" in the amount of $100.00, pursuant to Section 55-512 of the Code of Virginia, within 14 days which includes copies of the Covenants and Restrictions, Bylaws, and Design and Environmental Standards for Eagle Landing.
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8.01. Applicability:
All additions and exterior modifications to homes must be approved by the Architectural Board. This includes any construction, demolition, or refinishing. This does not include maintenance work or repainting with the same colors. Reference should be made to Article 5.00 for submission requirements.
8.02. Change in Use:
No proposed addition or modification shall change the permitted use of the property from single family detached residential as defined.
8.03. Size:
The size of any addition is not limited except for as limited by siting considerations outlined by Article 7.00 and this Article.
8.04. Architectural Style and Massing:
The style of any addition or modification shall match that of the house. Massing of the addition shall be similar in the size and use of shapes as that of the house, in proportion to other elements of the house so as not to overpower the existing design. Roof styles and slopes shall be similar to the existing house.
8.05. Site Considerations:
No addition shall extend beyond the minimum setback requirements established for the house in Article 7.00. The siting of additions shall not create a breach of privacy between the neighboring houses. Where unavoidable, the AB may require special screening. New windows or access created by the addition or modifications shall not create a breach of privacy between neighboring houses. The AB reserves the right to restrict placement of additions on waterfront lots in such a manner as to protect normal viewing angles to waterways from adjacent lots.
8.06. Existing Vegetation:
Except for in areas previously approved as the “Limit of Clearing”, no existing vegetation shall be removed from any site in Eagle landing. General clearing for construction of additions shall extend no farther than 20 feet outside the actual footprint. Beyond the general clearing limits approved by the AB, clearing of existing vegetation for additional landscape and view shall meet the requirements of
Article 7.11 and those of the County through the Chesapeake Bay Act.
8.07 Grading:
Alteration of existing topography will be permitted only as required to create positive drainage away from the house.
8.08. Material Selection:
Openings shall be required in additions, including windows and doors, in a similar fashion and extent as in the original house. Windows and doors in additions shall be of matching material and style as those in the main structure. Exceptions may be granted by the AS' for sun rooms or other sun affected rooms to allow glozed windows. Architectural elements such as comer and rake boards, soffits, eaves, window and door trim, and shutters shall match the style of the same elements on the house. All exterior finish materials and colors shall match the house. Matching colors on dissimilar materials is not acceptable.
8.09. Decks and Porches:
The space beneath any structure constructed on piers higher than two (2) feet above grade but less than one story above grade shall be enclosed with lattice or other screening materials, or screened with shrubs. Decks constructed at or below the first floor level of a house may be constructed entirely or unfinished treated lumber as specified by Article 7.21. Decks or balconies constructed above the first floor level shall be finished to match the house.
8.10 Covered Decks or Porches:
Covered decks, open porches, stoops, and screened porches shall all be constructed from deck level up of finished materials to match the house. Substructure and decking may be of unfinished treated wood. Greenhouse additions shall be constructed of finished wood framing or of a prefinished metal consistent with the house exterior color scheme.
8.11 Awnings or Sun Screens:
Awnings or other sun screen devices must be consistent with the architectural character of the house.
8.12 Solar Energy Collection Devices
See paragraph 6.10 for requirements for solar energy collection devices.