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Please note that the information below is intended to address general questions from perspective buyers. The complete Covenants and Restrictions can be viewed and/or obtained at the Lancaster County Courthouse, 8311 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster, Virginia 22503. Upon written request to the Eagle Landing Homeowners Association (ELHOA) Board at P.O. Box 506, Lancaster, Virginia 22503, along with a check made out to "ELHOA" in the amount of $100.00, you can obtain a disclosure package pursuant to Section 55-512 of the Code of Virginia, within 14 days which includes copies of the Covenants and Restrictions, Bylaws, and Design and Environmental Standards for Eagle Landing. 


Annual Assessment - At settlement of the sale of each Lot, the purchaser shall pay to ELHOA the sum of $300.00. On January 1 of each subsequent year, an annual amount will be assessed by the ELHOA board to cover maintenance of, and improvements to Eagle Landing common facilities. This includes, but is not limited to the clubhouse, pool, tennis courts, playground, common area landscaping, entrance, storage lot, and common use utilities. The annual amount is currently assessed at $852 per lot. The Annual Assessment can be increased by no more than 10% from the previous year, if deemed necessary by the ELHOA board.


Exterior Structure Completion - All submissions to the Architecture Board seeking approval for construction must include a definitive schedule.  In any event, the exterior of the house, all site work including landscaping, and other structures must be completed within one year after the construction has commenced. Houses and other dwelling structures may not be temporarily or permanently occupied until the exteriors have been completed. 


Minimum square feet - The minimum finished floor area of a residence shall be 2,400 square feet of heated living space, or as may be established by the Architectural Board for any specific site. Any residence built on a waterfront lot must have a minimum of 2,800 square feet.


Permitted structures - Only single-family residences are permitted in Eagle Landing. A single-family residence is defined as a free standing structure on a permanent foundation, with no more than one kitchen. As an accessory use, a separate guest house may be constructed on the some property. No commercial structures or facilities can be constructed within Eagle Landing without specific approval from the ELHOA board.

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